We are NOT from Delaware…
The tail / tale end of Turkey
and a whole lot of Greece
In the Mediterranean there are lots of US flagged boats. Specifically from Delaware. We started noticing them in abundance in Cyprus. Excited to see and possibly meet fellow countrymen so far from home, we would approach the boats / owners only to be met with bewilderment from the crew who often didn't speak English… After several encounters we finally outright asked someone and their response was because it was quite easy and cheap to register your boat in Delaware. Even if you were not a resident.

Next we ‘cleaned’ up and headed for the port police, then customs, then immigration. Stamp, stamp… pay a few eros. Welcome to Greece! Not ONE single official asked for our exit papers from Turkey. NO ONE!!!! We were really happy we did not waste a day plus to retrieve the erroneous papers from the Turkish officials.
We wandered around the village. Found the grocery, laundry and chandlery shops. Then decided to rent a scooter for the following day to tour the small but ‘interesting’ island.
The Scooter! The village is built on a hillside. It’s buildings are painted various shades of pastel golds, creams and soft blues. Doors and windows accented in contrasting colors. As we approached the upper limits of the hill overlooking the village we stopped for a few pictures… One sight caught us off guard as it was sooo blatant and disgusting we could hardly believe it. One of the LARGE ferries, several hundred passengers, docked 15ish boats from us was discharging its black water … SHIT! into the harbor. There will be ABSOLUTELY no swimming here for us…. aghhhhh … DAMN YOU SHIT SHIP!
We continued over the hill and around the island. Extremely barren. Even goats have a hard time finding nibbles to eat. The interior was much cooler and we had a quick hail shower. The far side of the island in home to a small church and monastery. Filled with silver candelabras and vibrant frescos covering the entire ceiling … nothing more except a coupe of coffee shops for the tourists who come to see the church and give offerings.
We turned around, its a one way road and headed back toward the village. At the hill top we diverted to another village that is primarily for tourist and local fishing boats. Quite, picturesque.
After a couple of nights in the village we cast off and headed for the fishing village for our last evening.
Nissyros, Greece
We decide on a buggy; a four wheeler with an awning. We could ride on all the island roads as well as in and around the caldera that the island is famous for. We grabbed our water bottle and headed off.
We followed the map, exploring several little villages perched on the calderas edge. The iconic white buildings with blue accents contrasted with the barren yellowed hillside.
A rough two track with spectacular views. We stopped for pictures when the road permitted. Sweating and enjoying the ride. As we climbed higher and higher the buggy began lurching then quit… just quit. Jim checked the obvious … we had fuel and the engine was not over heating… but it would not go.
We luckily had phone service (thank you Google Phones and Project FI!!) and called the ‘Captain’. We did some trouble shooting but no good. He was quite sorry and would be there to rescue us soon… ‘where are you?’… we managed as best we could to explain our route. It's a small island and only a few roads so he was pretty sure he new where we were. We admired the view over looking the sea from our skinny little rocky road on the back side of the hill…
It took another 45 minutes to navigate back to the village. Captain offered the car to us if we wished to further explore but we were read for showers and dinner. We ate at “Captains… of course. We mutually agreed on a discounted rental price and settled our account. Another peaceful night on the boat… almost. The darn crickets here are quite loud. Even son Alex could here them over the phone during a conversation…
We continued heading west, playing the Meltemi… the notorious summer winds that blast into the Mediterranean, Aegean Sea and are always coming from the exact direction you want to go…
The next big blow was expect to last for several days so we sought out a safe harbor to wait it out. We island hopped until we reached Ios. Stopping at a few sleepy harbors along the way. We dropped the hook in 30 plus foot clear water on the south end of the island of
Ios. One road. One bus a day. Arrives at noon, leaves at 6pm. Transporting the day trippers to this secured and private beach…
We met another cruiser who had just rented a scooter
A lot of barren rock were goats are few and scrawny. We drove to the point where we walked out to a peak cliff (15 minutes) to the foundation of a castle with a church. Several buildings are still used, some by shepherds, some by those wanting solitude or to make an offering in the church at the top. Spectacular views. Scorching heat. A bit of a breeze from the sea side and the top…
Homers Tomb. Not Bart’s dad, but the The Iliad and the Odyssey author … Local lore states that Homers body is buried at the top of this very remote peak. It is said that after his death the crew buried him at sea very near this spot on Ios. The locals at the time claim to have discovered his body washed ashore. They retrieved it, carried it up to the top of the hill and memorialized him, entombing his body on that spot. Forever looking out to sea at the stunning views and spectacular sunsets.
We wrapped up the days tour and headed back to Inishnee to get some rest for
We would discover that Santorini is flooded with tourists… to the point that the government is trying desperately to curb the influx by raising prices, especially on housing… hoping to discourage some of the hordes of tourists… We are guilting but we were too close to Santorini to NOT go there …
It was packed with tourists… Tons of restaurants, thousands of souvenir shops. We ate lunch in the capital. Then decided we needed a break from the masses.
Our bellies were getting hungry so we set off again with a quick stop in another village. Winding streets designed for foot traffic… human, cat or donkey, then back to the harbor for a double dinner.
Pizza and water… then gyros and wine.
The late ferry was VERY late… no explanation. Just be patient. 2 hours later, we found our seats G5 and 6… and took a cay nap for the 1 hour return to Ios… Our hotel proprietor was waiting for us. Showed us to our room and bid us good night.
We returned to Inishnee the next afternoon via the beach bus and were much relieved to see her bobbing happily on the waves.
Our next harbor / island… Sifnos. We celebrated 24 years of marriage. On board. No shore excursion. swimming. sipping. eating…
Serifos… We stayed aboard. This bay was wishing easy reach of Athens and LOTS of day trippers in BIG cats took over the harbor. No care given to setting their hooks of crowding. One cat in particular was so close Jim had to get his bitch wings on and consult the caption… ‘no worries… we are fine, just here for a few hours…’ ahhhh, no shore exploring for us. We were so close were able to converse with ‘inside voices’… no shouting although inside we were screaming… But, they did leave and the harbor was returned to its peaceful space for the rest of the evening and night.

On to Athens. The Parthenon and the Acropolis can be seen easily from the sea as you approach.
Checking the weather, we could expect lots of sun, no rain and plenty of heat. high 90’s F. A little research this time, we walked to the ferry / train terminal area for a quick ride to the city center of the tourist area. Lots and LOTS of homeless people. The parks are overgrown with weeds. Graffiti everywhere.
From the train station we were within walking distance to Parthenon and the Acropolis high on the hill… We started toward it, the heat already stifling at 10am. Within a few steps of the train station was one of the many historical sites for antiquities, Hadrian’s Library.
We decided to inquire about a map but planned to explore this site later. Luckily we were at a booth that sold a multi ticket for the big attractions…
Acropolis, Parthenon, Ancient Agora, Hadrian’s Arch… etc. So we bought the multi pass ticket and continued up the hill to the main attraction… the Acropolis: the Parthenon, and several temples. Ooo Myyyy Goooshhhh! the line for tickets was incredible! The end of the line wait approaching an hour. The people were sweltering in the heat. But! because we by chance had our multi ticket …. we could bypass the line and go straight in… the path to the Acropolis and the ‘slopes’ are shaded with trees, a small breeze just barely making the long journey up from the sea.
We followed the path to the steps of a temple where hundreds of people coming and going struggled to get up or down the narrow passage. The cruise ships were in town… After squishing and pushing through the entrance the area flattens out and you can escape the pressing crowds for a small bit of breathing space. The Parthenon is off limits to visitors, but you can circumnavigate the exterior. There is restoration going on on nearly every one of the buildings; on the hill and below. There is no escaping gate heat, only a few trees. Also, no where to purchase souvenirs (yeah) or water (boo). Combine those elements and most people are quick to leave the area.
We too were ready after after only an hour or so, which really is plenty of time anyway. We shushed our way back down through the entrance / exit steps. Sweaty and wanting water. We headed for the parking lot where the ‘Hop on Hop off’ busses wait and bought 2 two day passes… on a covered open air bus… we rode it the full loop, 80 plus minutes.
Replenishing our water loss and seeing the sights from 2 stories high, noting things we would like to return to. We rode the bus around again to the Archeological Museum stop where we had lunch at a cafe before attempting the museum. Good thing! it was huge. Two floors and dozens of rooms, not air-conditioned…. full of incredible artifacts snatched from all over the area. The descriptions in English as well as Greek.
By the time we exited the museum we were ready for home. Back on the “Hop on / off’, the train station and home. Inishnee was HOT… oh so hot. We had closed it up in the unlikely event of rain or… more likely the intrusion of uninvited guests. Which by the way we decided we had…. Jim continued to hear the ‘crickets’ every night from a week ago… he finally tracked down their hiding spot in the cockpit drains… and, well. sorry, there were exterminated.
The next day we toured most of the remaining sites, hopping on and off the bus. Hydrating often and stopping to just sit and people watch. Another full day and we returned to the boat, again hot and stuffy.
Our final day in Athens. Cleaning, hair cuts, groceries. Napping. Relaxing.
Off again. Heading west and south. We seem to have skirted the Meltiemi…. but now we get to experience the Katabatlic winds… same type of winds. Different area.
A plotted 30 mile day and dropped the hook in a relatively quite bay with a decent breeze. Several more boats ducked in and Jim again had to get out the bitch wings and go on deck to ‘encourage’ the neighboring boat to relocate… grudgingly they did. A few grumbly looks cast our way. Boat anchoring protocol says you should relocated if the captain of the boat you are encroaching on asks you too… provided they have a reasonable reason. As the afternoon worn on and the winds picked up, they changed direction… and caused all the boats to swing… grrrr Now we were the offenders because we had a LOT of chain out and we were within a boats length of another couple boats that were tied to shore. Our swing circles could not have crossed but…. we decided to move and anchor out farther. The benefit of moving farther out in the bay meant more breeze! Thank you! We had a peaceful and relatively cool night for sleeping.
Anther day, another bay. We upped the anchor… ever so slowly because the windless was acting up. Later inspection would find the battery low, something we would need to keep tabs on… possibly replace. We wove our way through the cluster of islands and the mainland. Lots of charter boats heading out.
Jim plotted a course for 1… a bay off an island or 2 … the mainland. A few miles apart. We eventually decide on the large mainland bay with the shallower water… just in case we needed to get a new battery. Within a few miles of the entrance to the bay, we were overtaken by a fleet of charter boats. ALL flying multiple, huge flags on their starboard spreaders. We assume from their home countries, states or ? They also all had banners 'The Yacht Week'… 
A Google search explained the mass of boats. It a summer event, week by week. Each boat with at least 8 people (and captain?) mid 20’s? …A preset itinerary. 3 countries to choose from. This group had 22 boats, all sail, monohull and cats. One lone boat anchored, the rest rafted in two groups… 7 and 14! together… They trickled in all afternoon. Music and dancing and probably drinking. This would NEVER work in the U.S. someone would get hurt / drown. Someone would sue. Bye-bye business…. The group seemed very organized. A boat came out to collect the passengers and take them to shore for more drinks and music. Surprisingly, the music was daily quiet and by 10 pm… they seem to have quieted to a whisper…
Meanwhile, back on Inishnee, we made arrangements for laundry the next day. No harm in holding up on our end and giving the Yacht Week time to enjoy their next destination sans Inishnee…
The battery tested fine, probably just overworked by hauling in 165’ of chain multiple times, but we will continue to monitor it. We had a quiet dinner. The following day bought up on chores and the blog. And just enjoyed being on the hook with no pressing matters to attend too.
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